This article outlines how to identify if your company has an AuditSoft Scorecard.

If you're wondering what AuditSoft Scorecards are, check out this article: What is the AuditSoft Scorecard? 

How to know if your company has an AuditSoft Scorecard

1. Do you audit through an association that has partnered with AuditSoft?

If you're unsure, consult AuditSoft's list of association partners here: 

If you see your association on the list, then you may have an AuditSoft Scorecard.

2. Have you been audited using AuditSoft?

If your company has been audited using AuditSoft in the past (whether it's an internal or external audit), there should be a scorecard available to you.

3. Has your association enabled Scorecards?

Associations often wait until there is enough data before enabling Scorecards for members. Eventually they are enabled for all, but sometimes there is a latency period. If you're unsure whether your association has enabled scorecards, reach out to your association contact or to AuditSoft Support at

If you've answered yes to all 3 questions, then congratulations - your Scorecard invitation should be sitting in your company's main contact's email! If you haven't received an invitation, consult this article: I'm the company main contact but I don't have a Scorecard invitation.

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